Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I quickly ran a shower that lasted for 4mins and I put on the first dress my hands could reach in the closet. I had no time to apply a proper makeup, so I powdered my face and applied my eyeliner and lip gloss. I sharpened my eye pencil with a new razor blade I picked off the shelf and after sharpening it, I noticed that the razor blade fell on the floor but I had no time to retrieve it. Before locking my door, I bent down to pick the razor packet, forgetting that it wasn’t just an empty razor packet! You know what happened next? I squeezed the paper with the new razor blade inside and it nearly cut my left middle finger into two! I cried, I rolled on the floor…I laughed, I screamed. I got up and treated my wound as best as my biology class could take me. I knew I was a mess as I headed for the infirmary. I tried as much as possible to avoid prying eyes. This is quiet unlike me. On a good day, I’m miss prim and proper, always looking my best. As a matter of fact, some folks derive so much pleasure in seeing me, not because they like me so much, it’s just that they know I’ll wear something nice enough to make their days! But this Monday, I looked a real mess with my blood stained finger and a not-so nice dress and I knew it.
At the infirmary, the nurse on duty told me we had to go to the hospital. Now, what I hate about going to the hospital is the fact that even if you have common cold, she’ll take you to the hospital in an ambulance! So, I begged her to take me in an ordinary car but she refused…the journey to the hospital sucked to say the least.Well, i received four painful stitches and I cried in spite of the analgesic. I was discharged immediately, with my middle finger heavily bandaged.
Now the good news is; I seized the opportunity to extend my middle finger to so many people(most of them deserve the middle finger treatment if you ask me) because everybody wanted to see the finger and I had no choice but to extend it in a f**k you style. After sometime, they stopped asking to see the finger. Instead, they’ll just laugh and ask how my finger is healing but not ; “let me see your finger". My finger was bandaged for the rest of the week but I enjoyed every bit of it,some people suck and they deserve the middle finger once in a while...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

For us to record success in anything we do, we need to have the strong desire to do that thing and be successful at it.
Sometime back, about two years now, a friend of mine called to say hello after a very long silence from both ends. We chatted on about old stuff for some minutes then I asked about his dream project and his answer was; “Oh, that? I forgot about it 3 months ago after my fiancée convinced me it’s going to be a failure.” Right from high school, he’d had this dream of becoming a fashion designer, having his own label. Well, I felt really bad that he allowed someone to discourage him from reaching out to his dream and told him so. He told me he’d realized it’s not his true calling and that he’ll never make anything out of it. Good enough, I was able to convince him to get up that minute and start working towards it.Today, he’s not the biggest name in town, he’s not even one of the most popular, but he's getting there. With little effort on his part, he was able to rediscover himself and his fiancée is 100% behind him now! Nothing pains me than hearing that people actually abandon their dreams because somebody said it’s bound to fail.
According to Eleanor Roosevelt "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” I do not believe there’s something you can’t achieve once you set your mind on it. I also once had this dream of having a big fashion outfit (now don’t laugh…) back in high school. I got all the support I needed but I didn’t make out time to realize my dream.Well,somehow, somewhere, I decided to do something better with my life and I moved on, but I never for once stopped thinking of where I would’ve been today if I’d done what I should have done when I should have done it!
We are all dreamers and maybe we can’t do everything we dream of doing and maybe we can’t be everywhere we plan to be, but I want you to know that if you don’t stand up now, you may not be able to stand when you should. Even if you have to crawl, just get out of your comfort zone! If you learn how to crawl, you can walk and you can run! But there’s no way you’ll crawl if you don’t stand up. Ideas are like plants, they need to be watered, nortued and tended, less they dry up and die. You will only be a failure if you refuse to learn from your mistakes.
I’ve come up with some simple tools to success:
1. If you can dream it, you can do it.
2. Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
3. You must begin where you are and with what you are and what you have.
4. Discover yourself, use your talent
5. Be ready to make mistakes and learn from them for it is better to try and fail than to fail to try.
6. Take responsibility for your actions
7. Put your heart in whatever you do
8. Believe in yourself
9. The sky is your limit.
10. Keep your dreams alive.
It’s time to stand on your feet and reach out.To achieve anything,you need to be determined,dedicated,persistent and visionary.Have faith in yourself and believe. Don't forget: there will be miracles when you believe!
Let me share some of my favorite inspirational quotes with you,I hope you'll find them useful.
Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.
Elaine Maxwell
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas Alva Edison
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
David Brinkley
Success is not final,failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.
Og Mandino.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
A trip down memory lane...

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. How true is Lucius Annaeus Seneca’s word; Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember. Today, as I sit in front of my computer, memories are flooding in, memories of things I found almost impossible to bear some years back! Today, they are nothing but memories…My mind is traveling at a speed of 1000,000 miles per hour or even more, I don’t know where to start or how to start but I have to start from somewhere!
Hmmm…High school…I remember vividly my very first day in one of the state’s prestigious girls ‘high schools. I couldn’t sit in the car because I couldn’t bear to see my pleats disappear, I was prim and proper, looking really smart in my white sleeveless blouse on a neatly tailored dark blue pleated skirt, with white socks and brown sandals.
My first week in school was quite eventful and I still remember my chance meeting with the girls that later became my best friends in the school. We were all asked to assemble in the school auditorium for the principal’s address. Before the principal’s arrival, the school prefects were there to maintain decorum in the hall. In front of me sat this ‘white’ girl( whose name I later found out to be Helen), flanked by several other girls who appeared to be so engrossed in what she was telling them that they didn’t even notice the prefects’ presence. ! I became really interested and I joined them.Well, we didn’t hear the principal come in and we were all asked to come out in front of all the new students and kneel down! On my first day in school! What really got me angry was the fact that when the principal asked the prefects to call out the noise makers, the ‘white’ girl’s name was not mentioned,but those of us around her were called out despite the fact that she did the talking and we only listened. The six of us were on our knees for what appeared to be the whole day but later turned out to be just 45 minutes. I was very angry, not because of the humiliation of kneeling down in front of the new students, but because the culprit was spared because her skin was too tender for the hard floor!
That day, the six of us teamed up against Helen and we promised to make her suffer for what she did. However, Helen somehow found her way into our group and we found out she was a really nice girl, and it was even better to have her for us than against us. That was how I became one of the most popular girls in my school within one week!
Helen’s presence in the group was good in a way, but it opened my eyes to the racial segregation that exists in the society (more on this later)... She made us get away with so many things. My days in high school were full of events and I always ran into trouble. The good thing about me and my friends was our outstanding academic records that made us the envy of other students,making me and my friends even more alienated. Helen changed school after one year but the fear of me and my friends had been instilled in the minds of the seniors such that even when she left, we remained untouchable! The sight of wicked,cane brandishing seniors didn't bother us because we knew we were untouchable! We all missed Helen but life goes on they say, we moved on. Gradually, what started as a group of seven became a group of four, and later just three.
Life as a senior student was fun for us because,maybe due to fear of karma,we were very nice to junior students and they did things for us even without asking them to!
Looking back now, I can’t believe I did most of the things I did in high school. I have learnt from them, they are memories I won’t trade for riches because I know I can’t have the opportunity to do half the things I did back in high school again. Truly, it is surprising how much memory is built in things that were unnoticed at the time they happened and later become fond memories in future!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Why do people lie about their age?

There are set standards for every age, there is the 'ideal' age to go to school,get a job, get married, start having kids e.t.c. For instance, if you don't start school at a certain age, you might be forced to lie about your age later because you'll find out you are a little behind. If you don't get a job when you should, you might be forced to lie about your age to get a job or even to avoid questions and prying. If for instance you are still single when others around you are married or getting married,you may have to lie about your age so people won't think you are underachieving.
However,if you are proud of your achievement, I believe you'll have no reason to lie about your age. People lie about age to belong so as not to feel left out. Some add a few years or months while majority take a few months or even years off. Some people will go to any length to hide their true age,what with plastic surgeries and all that stuff in town now! If you think you are where your age should be, you will most likely not lie about your age. I had this very beautiful friend in my undergraduate days. She was really beautiful with this sexy body that everyone craved. However, she was very lazy with her school work. She was able to sleep her way round the first two years, but ran out of luck in the third year when most of our lecturers were visiting professors from different schools. So, she dropped out of college, not due to lack of funds but probably due to too much of it...she thought she was too big for college and she couldn't read.
Well, after college, I left the shores of my country in search of greener pastures. A few years later, I went back home and I ran into my old friend. She was in the midst of these really young girls,teenagers to be precise. She was dressed like them and talked like them. She told me she was a fresher in a private college in town. In her mid 20s, my friend was behaving like a teenager! She told me she had to do it because she was too ashamed to tell people her real age!
Some folks lie about their age due to circumstances beyond their control and some lie because of situations brought upon them by themselves!
Age is really nothing but numbers and whatever number of years you claim to have spent on the face of the earth does not count, what counts is what difference your years on earth made to the world! If you are still lying about your age,then something is missing! Whatever you do, keep in mind the fact that no matter what age you claim to be,your biological clock is ticking and no matter what step or steps you take to prevent that, one day you will have to live your true age. Make hay while the sun shines!