Age is a very sensitive issue and many people have had to lie about their age at one time or the other,some have to do it for the rest of their lives! Why do people lie about their age?Looking around the world today,things aren't what they used to be.Things used to be a lot easier and crime rate was a lot lower.This is the major reason people lie about their age these days...yes,things are not easy.
There are set standards for every age, there is the 'ideal' age to go to school,get a job, get married, start having kids e.t.c. For instance, if you don't start school at a certain age, you might be forced to lie about your age later because you'll find out you are a little behind. If you don't get a job when you should, you might be forced to lie about your age to get a job or even to avoid questions and prying. If for instance you are still single when others around you are married or getting married,you may have to lie about your age so people won't think you are underachieving.
However,if you are proud of your achievement, I believe you'll have no reason to lie about your age. People lie about age to belong so as not to feel left out. Some add a few years or months while majority take a few months or even years off. Some people will go to any length to hide their true age,what with plastic surgeries and all that stuff in town now! If you think you are where your age should be, you will most likely not lie about your age. I had this very beautiful friend in my undergraduate days. She was really beautiful with this sexy body that everyone craved. However, she was very lazy with her school work. She was able to sleep her way round the first two years, but ran out of luck in the third year when most of our lecturers were visiting professors from different schools. So, she dropped out of college, not due to lack of funds but probably due to too much of it...she thought she was too big for college and she couldn't read.
Well, after college, I left the shores of my country in search of greener pastures. A few years later, I went back home and I ran into my old friend. She was in the midst of these really young girls,teenagers to be precise. She was dressed like them and talked like them. She told me she was a fresher in a private college in town. In her mid 20s, my friend was behaving like a teenager! She told me she had to do it because she was too ashamed to tell people her real age!
Some folks lie about their age due to circumstances beyond their control and some lie because of situations brought upon them by themselves!
Age is really nothing but numbers and whatever number of years you claim to have spent on the face of the earth does not count, what counts is what difference your years on earth made to the world! If you are still lying about your age,then something is missing! Whatever you do, keep in mind the fact that no matter what age you claim to be,your biological clock is ticking and no matter what step or steps you take to prevent that, one day you will have to live your true age. Make hay while the sun shines!
There are set standards for every age, there is the 'ideal' age to go to school,get a job, get married, start having kids e.t.c. For instance, if you don't start school at a certain age, you might be forced to lie about your age later because you'll find out you are a little behind. If you don't get a job when you should, you might be forced to lie about your age to get a job or even to avoid questions and prying. If for instance you are still single when others around you are married or getting married,you may have to lie about your age so people won't think you are underachieving.
However,if you are proud of your achievement, I believe you'll have no reason to lie about your age. People lie about age to belong so as not to feel left out. Some add a few years or months while majority take a few months or even years off. Some people will go to any length to hide their true age,what with plastic surgeries and all that stuff in town now! If you think you are where your age should be, you will most likely not lie about your age. I had this very beautiful friend in my undergraduate days. She was really beautiful with this sexy body that everyone craved. However, she was very lazy with her school work. She was able to sleep her way round the first two years, but ran out of luck in the third year when most of our lecturers were visiting professors from different schools. So, she dropped out of college, not due to lack of funds but probably due to too much of it...she thought she was too big for college and she couldn't read.
Well, after college, I left the shores of my country in search of greener pastures. A few years later, I went back home and I ran into my old friend. She was in the midst of these really young girls,teenagers to be precise. She was dressed like them and talked like them. She told me she was a fresher in a private college in town. In her mid 20s, my friend was behaving like a teenager! She told me she had to do it because she was too ashamed to tell people her real age!
Some folks lie about their age due to circumstances beyond their control and some lie because of situations brought upon them by themselves!
Age is really nothing but numbers and whatever number of years you claim to have spent on the face of the earth does not count, what counts is what difference your years on earth made to the world! If you are still lying about your age,then something is missing! Whatever you do, keep in mind the fact that no matter what age you claim to be,your biological clock is ticking and no matter what step or steps you take to prevent that, one day you will have to live your true age. Make hay while the sun shines!
This is amazing! You are very intelligent my friend because people can easily relate to this article. Age is an ageless issue.Young people disguise their appearance because they want to look old and older ones spend money, time and effort to look young. Maybe that is how we, humans really behave, not satisfied with what we have...Congratulations for having this wonderful blog!!!
That was a very nice write-up and I quite agree with most of your points.However, some people lie about their age to cheat also,not just due to underachievement.You did a very good job and I look forward toreading more of your beautiful write-ups.
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